This weekend was the American Connemara Pony Society Region 150th Anniversary show and celebration at GMHA in South Woodstock, VT.
Our Board Member Debbie Shade competes every year. This year, she invited us to bring some of our Connemara’s to show and promote their usefulness for our therapeutic riding programs. Debbie along with our pony CRICKET’S former owner Sally Oxnard, helped us defray costs and join in the fun while promoting Windrush Farm.
Cricket (a.k.a Paradox Cricket O”Carolan), and Evan (a.k.a. South Ridge Aoibhinn), both registered Connemara’s, went up to VT with Josselyn and Coleen Shaughnessy and showed in in-hand classes, as well as under saddle. Both horses were excellent and came home with ribbons!