As Elizabeth Andrews so eloquently put, “Volunteers do not necessarily have the time; they just have the heart.” For both Paul Spiers and Debra Shade, this couldn’t be more true.
Dr. Paul Spiers, of Danvers, was an avid supporter of Windrush Farm. His passion for helping others and going above and beyond the call of duty was admirable. After his passing in 2013, Windrush Farm established the “Award for Volunteer Excellence” in his memory.
The first award recipient is an active volunteer whose service has exceeded all expectations. Debra Shade’s dedication to Windrush Farm spans more than 23 years in a variety of capacities; program volunteer, board member, fundraising committee member and friend.
Arriving at Windrush in 1991, Deb had no horse experience but found her passion. Thus began her education in equine partnership. In addition to volunteering in classes, she started a “horse fund” which allows Windrush Farm to invest in a horse when necessary. Her keen equine sense for finding appropriate therapy horses has resulted in numerous donations to the Windrush Farm herd.
Deb’s run several “horse handling clinics” focusing on natural horsemanship so that volunteers could improve their skills. These days she travels 2 hours each way from Glen, NH to volunteer in class while also serving on the board of directors.
Her relationship with Windrush influenced both her children to find their careers. Deb’s daughter now trains horses and competes in Kentucky and her son works with individuals with disabilities, while Debbie herself breeds and sells competition horses.
“Deb has offered her assistance for almost ever volunteer effort I have ever initiated,” said Gina Armano, volunteer coordinator. “She is truly committed to assisting in Windrush Farm’s mission and deserves recognition for her tremendous efforts over the last 23 years.”
Taking after Paul, Deb has gone “above and beyond” the call of duty, which is why Windrush Farm is pleased to present Debbie Shade the 2014 “Award for Volunteer Excellence”.