Today marks the 4th year Windrush Farm has hosted Deloitte, the international accounting, auditing, and consulting firm for their IMPACT Day.
Each year, on the first Friday of June, the company initiates IMPACT Day that requires all employees to perform a day of community service instead of coming into the office. Ninety-nine percent of Deloitte professionals will participate across more than 462 locations through 100+ focused projects, and touch more than 220,000 lives.
With the guidance of farm manager Roland Dudney and executive director Mandy Hogan, 18 professionals dressed in bright blue IMPACT day shirts donated their time to beautify Windrush.
A handful spent time digging posts holes to repair a fence in the pony paddock while others cleaned the grounds near the gazebo. Some power-washed away the winter dirt from the white barns and the rest cleared the trails so that Windrush clients can safely make their way through the acres of wooded trails on the property.
Normally these employees work as auditors and consultants but today they are using their problem-solving skills to perfect the paddock measurements.
”Today these professionals are the arms and legs! It is a major commitment but they are happy to do it,” said Linda Strovink, former Deloitte employee and current Windrush Farm volunteer.