The second Founder’s Luncheon was held on Wednesday, May 21 at the Myopia Hunt Club. About 60 friends attended the event that awarded Prides Crossing resident, Nathaniel Coolidge with the Marjorie V. Kittredge Award.
The award was established in 2012 to recognize an individual whose unwavering support of Windrush Farm and the greater community embodies the true spirit of our founder and her legacy, Windrush Farm.
Bob Gore, Windrush Farm board president welcomed the crowd and Tim Murray, Windrush Farm Board member and longtime friend of Nathaniel Coolidge shared remarks with the group about this year’s award recipient.
Nathaniel Coolidge has the distinction of being the longest serving board member at Windrush Farm – more than thirty years.
Beyond being a good friend to Marj, Nat has been an outstanding supporter of Windrush. For more than thirty years he has supported this organization with: advice, labor, volunteer time, and donations of money and equipment.
Nat was instrumental in encouraging the relationship with The Trust for Public Land, which enabled Windrush to secure the farm as a permanent home for the program, and to protect the land as Marj and her children wished. Nat has also been a trusted advisor and steady supporter in his role as a Board member and Endowment trustee. His financial expertise, sound business sense and down to earth common sense have been invaluable to the organization.
Nat was not only a good friend to Marj but became a very good friend to members of the management staff here at Windrush after her passing.
“He recognized how devoted we all were to the organization and how much we all missed Marj,” shares Mandy Hogan, executive director. “Nat would check in regularly to see how we were doing and made us feel proud of the work we do. He takes his stewardship job seriously.”
“The Windrush Founder’s award is given in recognition of an individual whose support of Windrush and the greater community embodies the true spirit of our founder, Marj, and her legacy, Windrush Farm,” shares Murray. “This year’s recipient is a man whose steady guidance and unwavering support has been instrumental in guiding Windrush through its first fifty years and putting it in a position to enjoy even greater success in its next fifty years!”